
Sophie Orchard


Mid Wales




FictionChildren and YA 


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Born in Mid Wales, I grew up inspired by the nature surrounding me, the scenery and the tales and songs we learnt at school. From that, my love of writing began. Though art was my first love, I soon realised I could combine the two, and after completing a degree in fine art and illustration, I ventured out into the world. Life, however, took over, and it took me until child number two before I delved back into story writing. One creative writing course, an amazing group of like-minded writers and thirteen years later, I have three published historical fiction novels and two historical novellas.

I hadn’t forgotten my love of illustration, but fine art took over for a while. After years of exhibiting, I finally found the old stories I had written for my children and decided to get them illustrated. Even after all I’ve learnt from publishing my novels, the world of children’s publishing is still new, and I have a lot to learn. All my stories are influenced by my heritage, and in each, whether that’s from a historical point of view or from a mythical tale, they all stem from Wales.