
Neil App Jones







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Shwmae a Croeso to you All!

Well, let us see? My first book, ‘Greats of Swansea’ was to be published in 2004 but a technical hitch rather curtailed its release; the manuscript disappeared off screen! No book,…….a few tears! Lol!

However, as traumatic as that was I was just about able to step forward and via my ‘World-Welsh Campaign’, wrote & designed DVD presentations which I mailed to all the World-Welsh Societies on ‘World-Welsh Achievements’. In-fact as the first inaugurator of a ‘World-Welsh Achievements’ campaign, I have managed to contribute to magazines, the internet, poster design, radio and newspapers though the reception, at the time lacked vision past most peoples noses! Lol!

With my social entrepreneurship award I initiated an ‘Icon of Cymru Schools Campaign’ in order to inspire, empower and encourage ambassadorial values and accountable knowledge into the educational system with the production of booklets on short biographies of Welsh achievers throughout history

I have had the cherished and unique opportunity of writing biographies and contributing a spoken word presentation at Cymru’s first ‘Black History Month’ and have voluntary offered my knowledge to various Women’s Biographical Dictionaries regarding forgotten Cymraes/Women achievers.

I gave the idea for the ‘Cymru Book Design’ of the Year competition to the Welsh Books Council in-order to parallel excellence in Welsh writing with front cover graphic design thus giving a national standard of design to inspire & encourage a new generation of Welsh youngsters to read about the heroes & heroines of Cymru.

I wrote biographies, as a contribution on Welsh scientists for a book by the late Professor Phillip Williams and contributed to The Encyclopaedia of Wales, written for Welsh Living magazine inaugurating a series on the forgotten and unknown achievers of Cymru, art directed Cambrenisis, the short story magazine of Wales, contributed to the Cymmrodorion’s Dictionary of Welsh National Biography, Ein Gwlad magazine, Swansea Life magazine, Ninnau, the National Welsh American newspaper, Word-Up magazine for 16 – 24 year olds and both conceived, as well as wrote and designed a London-Welsh booklet for incoming Welsh students to warm them into the ‘Big Smoke!’ Lol

Seeking to be hired to present my pioneering ‘How the Welsh Invented The World’ presentations