Credit: Morgan Owen

Morgan Owen








Morgan Owen is a poet and essayist originally from Merthyr Tydfil. In 2019, he won the inaugural Michael Marks Award for Poetry in a Celtic Language for his pamphlet ‘moroedd/dŵr’ (Cyhoeddiadau’r Stamp). The same year he won the Wales Literature Exchange/PEN Cymru Translation Challenge for translating two poems by Julia Fiedorczuk from Polish into Welsh. He’s been Radio Cymru Poet of the Month, and has won the D Gwyn Evans Memorial Prize, given by Barddas, twice (2017, 2018). He published his second volume of poems, ‘Bedwen ar y lloer’ (Cyhoeddiadau’r Stamp), in 2019. In 2020, he self-published a short pamphlet of 3 essays, ‘Ymgloi’. Also in 2020 he was the recipient of a Literature Wales Author Scholarship to develop a collection of essays about his hometown. Early in 2021 he was selected to undertake a residency through the literary programme Ulysses’ Shelter, held by Literature Across Frontiers. A pamphlet of his poems, ‘Ysgall’, will be pubished in 2021 by Gwasg Pelydr.

He’s a regular contributor to Welsh-language periodicals and magazines, and his work has appeared in such publications as O’r Pedwar Gwynt, y Stamp, and Barddas. In 2018 and 2019 he was part of the Writers at Work / Awduron wrth eu Gwaith programme at the Hay Festival.