Credit: Melanie Perry

Melanie Perry






Spoken Word 


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Mel is a poet, spoken word performer and writing practitioner from, Carmarthenshire, Wales. She has two collections of poetry, Rum Dark Nights (2017) published by Three Throated Press, and bilingual Sound the Hollow/Det håligas ljud (2018) published by Magnus Grehn Förlag in Sweden. She has also been published in anthologies by Two Thirds North (2016 and 2017) Stockholm University, En Annan Stad (2019) Litteraturcenrtum Uppsala and Abergavenny Small Press 2021. As a spoken word performer she regularly co-hosts west Wales’ premier event open mic event Cerddi yn Cwrw and co-wrote a chapter in Spoken Word in the UK (2021) edited by Lucy English and Jack McGowan.

Her MSc Creative Writing for Therapeutic Purposes research focused on supporting vulnerable women to perform their own creative writing at a spoken word poetry event. She has delivered a number of therapeutic writing projects for Literature Wales, Creative Lives, People Speak Up, Disability Arts Cymru in addition to independent practice.

She is a director of write4word Community Interest Company which focuses on developing writers and using writing to develop people. In addition to working in Wales, Mel also works with the arts project, Kultivera in Sweden, co writing their publication Skriv en rad (2021) to promote writing among young people.