

  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 1 MB, Max. files: 1.
      Please note: profile images can only be photos of the writer themselves.Profile images can’t be larger than 1MB in size. To reduce your file size, use your computer software to change the image 'resolution' to 72 (the standard resolution for web images).

      For the image to appear as intended, the photograph’s dimensions (crop) should be 932px (w) x 649 (h). You can use Canva or Croppola or a similar programme to resize your image before uploading, or please contact us for help.
    • Enter your email address and create a password to register for a new account.
    • Please note that the following information will be public on the Literature Wales website. Some of the information is mandatory, however if you do not wish to include information such as your email address or social media handles in your profile, please leave these fields blank.

    • (of your writing and/or workshops)
    • As a fully bilingual organisation, Literature Wales will treat the Welsh and English languages equally, ensuring that all public information on our website is available in both languages. For assistance in translating your biography into Welsh please see services offered by Welsh Government, or you can approach an independent translator, or please contact Literature Wales for assistance.
    • Read our guide to writing an author's bio for advice on content and structure.
    • Literature Wales reserves the right to remove profiles or decline or withdraw content that is intentionally inaccurate or misleading or may be considered offensive or disrespectful and in violation of Literature Wales’ values (the principles that we consider central to who we are as an organisation). Literature Wales terms and conditions can be found here. If you would like to discuss anything not covered in the terms and conditions, please get in touch with us.

    • Explicit consent must be provided to process personal data and support your inclusion on the Writers of Wales Directory. Data will be held by Literature Wales until a request for deletion is received. (Please note, if you don’t consent, Literature Wales cannot list your profile on the Writers of Wales Directory).

    • Literature Wales would like to send you information about its activities, events, and opportunities (including relevant activities at Tŷ Newydd Writing Centre). Literature Wales will not share your personal data with third parties for marketing purposes.

      You may contact Literature Wales at any time to remove your consent.