Project name: Lockdown Legends Online
Participants: Care home residents in Wales
Lead artist: Fiona Collins
Digital platform: Online
Project Information:
Lockdown Legends Online worked with seven older people from across Wales, some in care homes, some living alone. The residents shared their memories and family stories, which were transcribed for a book of ‘Lockdown Legends’. The benefits of this simple intervention to their health and wellbeing seem profound. – the online copy of the book can be found below and shared to reach out to elders around Wales.
About Fiona:
Fiona Collins is a spoken word storyteller telling traditional tales from around the world, with a special interest in tales of Wales. She is passionate about supporting others to tell, value and share stories from their own lives, and sees this as an important role for elders, in teaching and guiding younger generations. She supports and mentors young storytellers, having created Venue Cymru’s Cylch Stori, and also being a Panel member of Chwedl, the Welsh network for women storytellers. She speaks both languages of Wales, and at 2019’s National Eisteddfod she became Welsh Learner of the Year.
“Taking care of our elders and listening to their stories gives us an insight into unconditional love and helps us love them in the same manner. This is an opportunity for older people to use the ‘lockdown’ to recall and recount stories that mean a lot to them from different times in their lives, using the wonders of technology to talk to each other around Wales and create a shared collection of memories.” – Fiona Collins