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Literature Wales’ Writer Commissions
Tamar Eluned Williams
Özgür Uyanık & Durre Shahwar
Taz Rahman
LLIF::FLOW Collective
Julia Forster
Connor Allen
Claire Fayers
Claire Boot
Mared Lewis
Platforming Under-represented Writers
The 1919 Race Riots Almanac
Dadgoloneiddo’r Archif | Decolonising the Archive
Crime Fiction: Today and Yester Years
Performance Poetry
Hamari Kahani | Our Story
Representing the Under-represented
Writer Development
Representing Wales
Representing Wales 2023-2024: Apply Now
Representing Wales: The Assessment Panel
Representing Wales: Testimonials
Representing Wales: Background and Further Reading
Representing Wales: Funders
Tŷ Newydd Writing Centre
Reading Friends
Literature for Well-being Funding Scheme 2019
Land of Legends
National Poet of Wales
Ifor ap Glyn: National Poet of Wales 2016 – 2022
Bardd Plant Cymru
Casi Wyn, Bardd Plant Cymru 2021-2023
Bardd Plant Cymru Frequently Asked Questions
Bardd Plant Cymru Poems
Previous Bardd Plant Cymru
Children’s Laureate Wales
Connor Allen, Children’s Laureate Wales 2021-2023
Children’s Laureate Wales FAQs
Children’s Laureate Wales Commissioned Poems
Eloise Williams, Children’s Laureate Wales 2019-2021
Children’s Laureate Wales News
Writers of Wales Directory
Wales Book of the Year
Wales Book of the Year 2021 Winners
Wales Book of the Year 2021 Shortlist
Wales Book of the Year 2021 Judges
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Ar y Dibyn
Rising Stars Wales
Alex Wharton
Sadia Pineda Hameed
Taylor Edmonds
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About Us
Strategic Plan 2022-2025 – Homepage
What can Literature Wales do for you?
Our Impact
Our Pledge
Our Projects
Publications and Corporate Documents
Meet the Team
Careers and Opportunities with Literature Wales
Sponsors and Supporters
What can Literature Wales do for you?
I am a writer
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I am a Child / Young Person
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I organise literary events
I Love Literature
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Our Projects
Literature Wales’ Writer Commissions
Platforming Under-represented Writers
Representing Wales
Tŷ Newydd Writing Centre
Reading Friends
Literature for Well-being Funding Scheme 2019
Land of Legends
National Poet of Wales
Bardd Plant Cymru
Children’s Laureate Wales
Writers of Wales Directory
Wales Book of the Year
Ar y Dibyn
Rising Stars Wales
Writer Development
Writers of Wales Directory
What’s On
Inspiring Communities Fund
Our Projects
2014 Her 100 Cerdd
2014 Her 100 Cerdd
The 2016 Her 100 Cerdd challenge featured poets Casia Wiliam, Gwennan Evans, Gruffudd Eifion Owen and Llŷr Gwyn Lewis.
2014 Poems:
#1 Y gerdd gyntaf
#2 Lidl
#3 I fabi Sara ac Iestyn
#4 Zulu (Aros i’r her gychwyn)
#5 Dadbacio
#6 Ysgrifau yr Hanner Bardd
#7 I Wyn Thomas, Pont-siân
# 8 Dim Cerdd
#9 Y Ddawns Hir
#10 Cofis rhyngwladol
#11 I Adran y Gymraeg Ysgol Brynhyfryd
#12 Molawd i’r cynhyrchwyr llaeth gan y cynhyrchwyr cerddi
#13 Molawd i’r Pengwin (Ar gais Dewi Huw Owen)
#14 Gweld Iwerddon (?) o Uwchmynydd
#15 Y Barmaid Barfog
#16 Galwad i weddi
#17 Cymdogion gwael
#18 I Gwennan
#19 Gydag ymddiheuriadau wrth Cynan
#20 Ymson Guto
# 21 Darpar ŵr
#22 Cae Pawb
#23 Diwrnod y Gêm.
#24 Cymry uniaith ola’ Llŷn.
# 25 Balaclafa
#26 I Lon a Gwyn
#27 Banana Musa
#28 Yn Arbennig i Dylan Jones
#29 Pen-blwydd hapus Elisa Mair!
#30 Botaneg
#31 Penblwydd Hapus Pobol y Cwm yn 40!
#32 Mesur Cynganeddol newydd sbon sbancan! (Rhywun ffonio Alan Llwyd!!)
#33 Y Diwrnod ar ôl i Rhys fynd i Sŵ Gaer ar drip ysgol
#34 Cwch gwenyn
#35 I Eirlys a Mansel Phillips, ar eu priodas ruddem
#36 Mae ‘na arth wedi dwyn fy mhyjamas : Cerdd i blant
# 37 Gwingo
#38 Banc Llandysul
#39 Eiliad
#40 Gŵyl Gyhoeddi Eisteddfod yr Urdd Caerffili
#41 Elin Fflur
#42 Mam a’i phlentyn
#43 Gig Yr Ods yn Clwb
#44 Heno, Heno, hen blant bach…
#45 Ficer/ Peraroglus (Arbrawf)
#46 Y ddau air nesa’ o’r pair…. Carnifal/ Llychlyd
#47 Cae Gwair
#48 Capel Minny Street
#49 I Mrs Elin Williams ar ei hymddeoliad
#50 Glas-fyfyriwr
#51 Limrig dros ginio
#52 Raleigh Banana
#53 Tŵr/ Lliwgar (un bach neis)
#54 Blwch post/Anfoddog
#55 Yr olaf o’r arbrawf: Chwilan/ Gymreig.
#56 Tresi Elin (nid Elin Fflur y tro hwn)
#57 Ymbarels ar y Carrer Ferran
#58 Ar ôl y streic
#59 Molawd i’r ffrwchnedd
#60 Haiku Cwsg
#61 Priodas
# 62 Ymddiheuro i Ando
#63 Y Ddyled gan Llwyd Owen
#64 Teacher Cymraeg Fi
#65 Er cof am David Robinson
#66 Gwesteion…
#67 Wonga
#68 3, 2, 1…
#69 Bertsos Gwlad y Basg (Cantorion Penillion)
#70 Dysgu Cymraeg
#71 Hanner marathon – cyngor
#72 Trwy Dwll y Clo
#73 Ystafell newid
#74 Siani
#75 Tŷ Newydd
#76 Y Deiet
#77 Bwyta’n hwyr y nos
# 78 I’r Parot
#79 Petrichor
#80 Manon Rogers
#81 Taith Ddigidol Lleol i Mi
#82 Caws i Gaerffili
#83 IE, 45%
#84 Elin Awel
# 85 I Lora a Garry
#86 Gaiman, Patagonia
# 87 Fflur
#88 Y Siop Gongol
#89 Gorsaf heddlu Treganna
#90 Irac (Sgript i’r rhyfel)
#91 Tic toc…
#92 Catrin
#93 Aros distaw
#94 Sais o Lŷn
# 95 Yfory Ddaw…
#96 Gruff fel yr haul
#97 Wedi’r unfed awr ar ddeg…
# 98 Ysgol Ffarmers
#99 I bawb a geisiodd, ond na chafodd gerdd.
#100 Nos da
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