Letters of Kindness

On World Book Day 2021 (Thursday 4 March), to coincide with the unveiling of her special themed postbox in Cardiff, Children’s Laureate Wales Eloise Williams has launched the Letters of Kindness project.
Over the next month, children are encouraged to write a letter of kindness to themselves to highlight kind things that they do or have done, and things about themselves and in their lives that they appreciate and are proud of.
The idea is inspired by one of Eloise’s characters, Wilde, who writes a letter to herself and learns to celebrate her individuality and the things which make her different during the story. The project aims to promote mindfulness and increase a feeling of self-worth in children.
Letter templates and a Children’s Laureate Wales stamp can be found below:
Template 1 | Template 2 | Template 3 | Children’s Laureate Wales Stamp
We would love to see the letters – please share them on Twitter and remember to tag @Laureate_Wales. Letters can also be displayed in a Wall of Kindness in school.
Further digital activities by Children’s Laureate Wales can be found here.
Here are some ideas from Eloise to help children with their letters:
What makes you an individual? We are all different and we need to celebrate it!
What makes you happy? The things which make you happy are an important part of who you are.
Have you done something kind for someone? It could be something really small. Think about times when you’ve made someone smile.
Have you done something kind for yourself? You might have treated yourself to something. That’s good news! We need to be kind to ourselves. If you are kind to yourself, you feel happier and want to be kinder to others.
Is there someone in your life who is special to you? It might be a human or a pet! As long as they make you happy, they are perfect to include in your letter.
Do you have any special interests or hobbies? Making time for ourselves is very important for our well-being.
Where do you feel at your happiest? This might be somewhere inside or outside. You might have lots of favourite places.
How can you be kind to yourself and others in the future? Give yourself some advice. Remember, we are all learning all the time and making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn.
Happy writing!