Young Storytellers’ Festival of Wales 2021
The quest to find Young Storyteller of Wales 2021-2022 is back!
In a celebration of Storytelling from across Wales, we’re looking forward to inviting you back into Venue Cymru to simply take part, have a go at telling yourself, or to ‘Tell for the Title’.
A Story! Let it Come!
1300 – 1330
Join storyteller Gillian Brownson for a welcome and a story of the sea, to whet our appetites for tales, before we open the stage to our young tellers!
Gillian will tell in English with Welsh dialogue and song.
Open Stories
1330 -1430
You can tell in Welsh, English or bilingually
This is your opportunity to ‘have a go’, to stop and start, to try different voices and styles, to tell a little snippet or to tell a whole tale. Your story can be about anything, you can make it up on the spot, or you can retell a story you’ve read or heard a million times; however you tell it, we want to hear it!
Open to all – from Wales and beyond
Tell for the Title: Young Storyteller of Wales 2021
You can perform live via zoom or in person at the festival.
Please keep your story to 6 minutes or under
You can tell in Welsh, English or bilingually
There will be a prize for everyone who takes part and a special prize for each category winner.
If you are serious about storytelling, this is the event for you!
The Young Storyteller of Wales Age 7-11
The Young Storyteller of Wales Age 12-15
The Young Storyteller of Wales 2021 Age 16-25
In all categories we ask that you live in Wales or come from Wales.
Announcement and Prize Giving: Jacob Williams and Fiona Collins
1700 – 1730
Join Festival Founder and talented storyteller, Fiona Collins, as we celebrate every competitor and the winners in each category
After this, we are excited to announce that the present Young Storyteller of Wales, Jacob Williams, will share his winning story again, before passing on his crown, and announcing the winner of the 16+ category and the title Young Storyteller of Wales 2021.
Who are we looking for in ‘Tell for the Title’?
In the 7-11 and 12-15 age categories, we’re looking for committed young Storytellers who want to have the opportunity to show their talent.
In the 16-25 category, we’re specifically looking for the Storyteller who would happily take up the role of Young Storyteller of Wales for a year. In this role, you’d be helping storytelling professionals to develop storytelling as a craft and to inspire other young people as you go. You’ll have the opportunity to be mentored by a professional teller.
How to enter
If you live in or come from Wales, are 16 or over, and feel you could be the next Young Storyteller of Wales, entering for the Title is easy. Please write a paragraph or make a small video (no more than two minutes) telling us why you love telling stories. Then, come along to the festival and tell your story, live at the event or from your home via Zoom.
Send your paragraph or short video here: gillybrownson@sky.com
To book, please email
State which events you’d like to attend.
If entering ‘Tell for the Title’, please tell us which age category you’re in and that you live in Wales, come from Wales or have a family connection to Wales.