Spoken Word Saturday is back with our regular host and a new host! We will be meeting once every few months.
Join hosts Ceri John Phillips & David Pitt for an afternoon of sharing stories, poetry, creative writing – all through the Spoken Word!

Spoken Word Saturday is held at the Ffwrnes Fach, Arts Health and Wellbeing Hub, Park Street, Llanelli.

Entry is free, and refreshments are provided (donations for these are warmly welcomed!).

Special guests and a safe space for our community to share in our ‘Speak Up Spots’ for you to read or perform your own work. If you’d like to reserve one of these please let us know. We ask you to please keep your pieces to a maximum of 5 minutes, or preferably shorter so that we can have as many people sharing as possible.

01554 292393

Saturday 14 September – Bevin Magama
The September Spoken Word Saturday will see storyteller and performer Bevin Magama share his compelling one hour performance, Poking the Crocodile. Poking the Crocodile mirrors the journey from living in apartheid to living in the UK faced with systematic racism.