Recruiting a new Chair and Trustees to the Management Board
Literature Wales is governed by a Management Board of Trustees. The Board meets formally four times each year and contributes to further strategic development as part of working groups. Our Board is accountable in charity law for ensuring that we operate in line with our charitable objects and wider Strategic Plan 2022-27, and that our finances and resources are effectively managed.
The Board Trustees represent a wide range of backgrounds, skills and experiences and are drawn from several different sectors, including writers and creative practitioners, consultancy and transport, academia and education.
Trustees serve on the Management Board as individuals in their own right; they do not represent the interests of the organisations or sectors in which they work. Trustees initially serve a three-year term, with an option to apply for an extension for an additional three years.
Literature Wales’ Management Board of Trustees currently has 12 members, and our current Chair, Cathryn Charnell–White will retire at the end of 2025. We are therefore looking to appoint a visionary new Chair as well as up to three dynamic, committed, and creative new Trustees.
If you are interested in applying to join our Board, please get in touch with our Company Secretary, Alys Lewin ( for an informal conversation. You can view more about the role and responsibilities in the pack below.