
Before you apply for this opportunity, please read the FAQs.


To apply for a place on the Representing Wales programme, you’ll need to submit:


  1. A completed application form

Representing Wales 2024-2025 Application Form

The application form will ask for your personal details, including details which will help us assess eligibility, and information about your career as a writer so far. We’ll also ask about your ambitions as a writer and why you believe the Representing Wales programme could help you at the current stage of your writing career.


  1. An example of your unpublished creative writing for adults

The application form will ask you to upload one of the following options:

    • 4-8 poems;
    • A chapter of your creative non-fiction manuscript, that you wish to develop in this programme (max 2,000 words)
    • A chapter of your fiction manuscript, that you wish to develop in this programme (max 2,000 words)
    • if your work in progress is performative, we ask that you please note this within your uploaded document. Alternatively, we welcome video submissions of creative work which can be sent via a WeTransfer link to
    • if your work in progress is a graphic novel, we suggest that you upload a summary of the story (synopsis) with your application and email a sample of completed storyboard pages (with text and illustrations) to
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