
For its third round, our professional development programme for under-represented writers will have a particular focus on writing for children and young people. 

The 12-month programme aims to develop a new stream of diverse Wales-based writers and facilitators who will play a key role in inspiring the next generation through the written, spoken and illustrated word.  

The programme will run from 1 April 2023- 31 March 2024. During the year the writers will receive a financial award of up to of £3,300, one-to-one mentoring sessions with an established author of their choice, 8 online workshops on the writing profession and publishing industry, and bespoke creative writing masterclasses, two of which will take place at Tŷ Newydd Writing Centre. Further opportunities will also be offered through networking and access to various literature festivals and events.  

The 14 writers were selected by an independent assessment Panel, following an open call-out during the autumn of 2022. The programme has been designed in consultation with communities and writers from Literature Wales’ extensive networks and builds on the successes and learning points of the previous two rounds. 

Read more about the 2023/2024 writers and Assessment Panel below.