

Literature Wales is the national company for the development of literature. Our vision is a Wales where literature empowers, improves and brightens lives.
In our Strategic Plan for 2022-2027, we set out our ambitions for our art-form – we want literature to represent our diverse voices, support our well-being, and raise awareness of the climate emergency.
In the following video, representatives from our team of staff and Directors introduce our new strategy, and explain how we plan to work towards achieving our vision over the next three years.

Our Story so Far. From April 2019 to March 2022, 531096 people participated in Literature Wales activity, 17,107 of which were children and young adults. 752 creative and professional opportunities were provided to early career writers. 98% of stakeholders said our work around representation and equality was making a difference to literature in Wales (2021 survey).

Our Goals

Through literature, we help to shape and improve our society, economy, and culture. We do this because literature, in its great variety, can have the power to connect communities and bring comfort, inspiration and hope to those who need it most.
Based on our understanding of the power of literature to transform and improve lives, we have chosen goals that reflect our ambition and aspirations for Wales. They align with the Seven Well-being Goals of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to ensure that everything we do helps to achieve one or more of these goals.
Our goals are split into three categories, our Priorities, our Strands of Delivery, and our Foundation.

Our Priorities

We have identified three priorities to focus on and invest in, which aim to create change in society through literature.
Representation & EqualityHealth & Well-beingClimate Emergency


We couldn’t think of a better way to introduce these priorities, than through the words of some of the writers who deliver our activities, and for whom these priorities are ingrained in their creative and practical work.


Strands of Activity

We will deliver the priorities outlined above through our three strands of activity, which is how we create a vibrant literary society.
ParticipationWriter DevelopmentWales' Literary Culture



Our Foundation: The Welsh Language. The Welsh language belongs to each of us, whenever and however we become acquainted with it. A truly central part of our mission is to work towards a Wales where the Welsh language thrives, and literature represents our diverse voices. Read more about how we will work towards this, and about our commitment to the Welsh language here. Who do we work with? Click here to find out more.

Want to find out more?

Watch our introductory video and read about our goals.Read our highlights online or download as a documentDownload the Literature Wales Strategic Plan 2022-2025 in full