
Invitation for Expressions of Interest in Video Production for a Digital Launch

Published Wed 8 Sep 2021 - By Literature Wales
Invitation for Expressions of Interest in Video Production for a Digital Launch

Children’s Laureate Wales and Bardd Plant Cymru

Invitation for Expressions of Interest in Video Production for a Digital Launch



Children’s Laureate Wales and Bardd Plant Cymru are national ambassadorial posts which aim to engage and inspire the children of Wales through literature, and to promote a child’s right to have their stories and voices heard. The Laureates believe in the power of literature to inspire, empower, improve, and brighten lives – especially the lives of young people. They also celebrate and represent Wales’ literary culture on a national and international stage. Their work involves running workshops for children and young people, writing commissioned poems, and various other activities, both at schools and in other settings (such as festivals and youth clubs).

A laureate’s tenure is 2 years, and after an open call-out, the next poets to take the reign are almost ready to be announced. The new laureates are to be revealed digitally on the Literature Wales website and social media channels, and via the press and media on Thursday 7 October 2021.

The schemes are run by Literature Wales, the national company for the development of literature.

Further information can be found here:

Children’s Laureate Wales
Bardd Plant Cymru



We are looking for an individual or company to provide video production services for the launch of the new Children’s Laureate Wales and Bardd Plant Cymru, to include, storyboarding, filming, audio, editing (with the possibility of incorporating content filmed previously), motion graphics and subtitling (text and translations to be provided by LW).


Video Brief:

We would like two bilingual videos, no longer than 3 minutes, one of which is subtitled fully in Welsh, and another subtitled fully in English. The content will be mostly the same, but the structure will be different. We would also like individual sections from the main video to be available as shorter stand-alone videos for use on social media (Instagram reels and grid etc).

The video will need to include some narrative and visual slides, as well as filmed sections of each poet discussing their hopes for their tenure. A filmed section where the poets recite some creative work is also a possibility. We may wish for the video to include a section provided externally of partners endorsing the project (TBC), and should end with some information about the projects and a slide of partner logos.


Deadline for Expressions of Interest:13 September
Meeting with Literature Wales to discuss
storyboarding and content:
14 September
Filming with the poets:15 – 22 September
Editing and producing:23 – 27 September
Submission of 1st drafts for comments:27 September
Literature Wales to provide feedback:27 September
Subtitling:30 September – 4 October
Submission of final pieces to Literature Wales:4 October


Express your interest:

Please contact to express your interest by Monday 13 September 2021. Please provide examples of past work and a quote for the work outlined in this document.